Much to my absolute delight the first words I took any notice of back in England were uttered by the security guard at the UK border control. Firstly, this isn’t border control a-la USA. No visible guns, or even people really! Strange for 11am. To picture this fella all you need to do is picture the chief constable from the film ‘Hot Fuzz’. For those who haven’t seen it, he is in his 60’s, white-grey hair over kindly eyes peering over the top of his half-moon specticles.
So he is telling of how the staff there had found a passport and returned it to the owner, who hadn’t so much as said thank-you before scurrying off. The border patrol gentleman was “a bit bloody miffed” with this, and I knew I was back on home soil!! Miffed, as far as I am aware, doesn’t translate across the pond. It means ‘to be (or have been) put into an irritable mood, and is quintessentially English. It is also sadly going out of fashion. My friend Jack (rightly so) holds that the script to V for Vendetta is let down by trying too hard to be English. I hear what he is saying but on this evidence cracks appear!
This is set to be a busy weekend but in a strange twist of fate i seem to have avoided jetlag. I had survive American cuisine for the whole trip, had finished everything put in front of me, with the exception of Sushi, which I had never had before, and won’t bother with again. It was interesting but I like the taste of cooked food. So as the dinners were handed I was concentrating on the in-flight showing of ‘Tron- Legacy’ and not on what I was eating. In hindsight the butter had a crumbly rather than creamy texture. So I spent the next two hours fainting into my own seat and trying not to throw up on the flight, and after this I was exhausted, finally fell asleep and slept until we were over Wales. Rested and recovered just in time for landing I was ready for the day, and the Easter weekend with my family.
First I dropped by on Matt, Suzie and my godson William. On Saturday we were off to visit my Uncle on his narrowboat. He has two blogs and has provided support with setting mine up. John has cycled round the world and is now travelling round England on his canal boat. Sounds a great plan for Easter, and I get to catch up with Mum, my brother and sister.