Thursday, 10 February 2011

Thank you Buckingham Bikes!

A big thank you to Dan and Callum at Buckingham Bikes, Aylesbury. After popping into the store for a multi-tool and chatting with Dan about my plan for this trip, Dan asked if it would be of any use to me to get some tips from the guys in the repair centre. On Wednesday Callum at the repair gave me a crash course in fixing and patching major problems when miles from civilization. He even took the time to demonstrate the tricks and techniques. Carry less by knowing more is one motto I do agree with, and thanks to Callum's experience and understanding, the long stretches between towns are a great deal less daunting.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Superbowl XLV

*Yawn* 0230 over here folks. I've supported the Tampa Bay Buccaneers since first watching the NFL and reveling in the high impacts after drunken nights out nearly 10 years ago. To my great disappointment, the owners of the Buccaneers bought Man Utd (I'm a City fan) and forced an unending dilemma over my alliegence. Still, they have put Utd into an poor financial position.
So this year I'm supporting Green Bay in the Superbowl as a non-profit organisation owned by a community. Almost communist by American standards, and the idea that they can still successfully compete in a professional league is fantastic. Have gone for...TOUCHDOWN!! Score just went 27-17
Sorry- sat here on my own and trying not to wake mum...have gone for an all American evening with Texas BBQ pringles, and a small stash of Bud bottles. And...kick is good! 28-17
Am listening to the difference between the commentary on two codes of football either side of the Atlantic. Commentators on the Premier League spend time telling you what the team and players do wrong. NFL commentators focus on what the players and teams have achieved all season.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Farewell TMC

Last Friday was my final day at Tropical Marine Centre. Soon I shall be heading back to the sea and Skern Lodge. Seasonal work being what it is, each year I find myself with between five and eight weeks where I need to find another way to make money. I have found myself running an events bar in a very plush hotel, working as a library assistant, helping out at Mega Performance Kayaks and working in an arts centre and theatre. (English spellings here folks!)
This year it was fish...well, almost. I was charged with helping James in the Cash & Carry/Warehouse. TMC has been an excellent way to spend the winter months. Foremost- they pay my way, without which I would never make it to the wedding, and they are a great bunch of people. Working in Chorleywood has also allowed me to stay close to family and well loved friends. It had been some three years since I've been in Aylesbury for any length of time.

TMC Chorleywood CC

A quick word on Chorleywood village- this peculiar little place nestles into the Chiltern Hills and has been bequeathed with a name befitting its beautiful location. I ventured in once, and the High Street is a pitted, chaotic mess of old shop fronts, badly parked vehicles and potholes a-plenty. Never have I seen an English village seem so ransacked. The people were friendly, so I can only summise that all of the suited commuters regularly disembark the train and riot in the High Street, generally throwing leather briefcases and ripping up the tarmac like some sort of 21st century plague, before continuing their onward journeys. Perhaps to exorcise the monotony of the journey before heading home. 

Friday also brought a small celebration of Matt's birthday. I have missed too many of them recently and was glad to be here this year- watching England beat Wales in the rugby, eating burgers and playing FIFA. Good times! My Godson, William was also in some sort of hyperactive show-off mood to add to the entertainment!

Offsides turned off (not a sexist thing!) 

"More..." today William was loving having his photo taken!

Unfortunately I'm going to be away when William turns two, but being around so much this winter has kinda made up for it :)