Monday, 7 February 2011

Superbowl XLV

*Yawn* 0230 over here folks. I've supported the Tampa Bay Buccaneers since first watching the NFL and reveling in the high impacts after drunken nights out nearly 10 years ago. To my great disappointment, the owners of the Buccaneers bought Man Utd (I'm a City fan) and forced an unending dilemma over my alliegence. Still, they have put Utd into an poor financial position.
So this year I'm supporting Green Bay in the Superbowl as a non-profit organisation owned by a community. Almost communist by American standards, and the idea that they can still successfully compete in a professional league is fantastic. Have gone for...TOUCHDOWN!! Score just went 27-17
Sorry- sat here on my own and trying not to wake mum...have gone for an all American evening with Texas BBQ pringles, and a small stash of Bud bottles. And...kick is good! 28-17
Am listening to the difference between the commentary on two codes of football either side of the Atlantic. Commentators on the Premier League spend time telling you what the team and players do wrong. NFL commentators focus on what the players and teams have achieved all season.


  1. I do hope there was lots of peanut butter chocolate involved with the American eve? The one thing America has right, and that's peanut butter mixed with chocolate *droools* I would marry Mr Reeces any day. Then promptly get VERY fat on guzzling Reece's chocolates all day hehe.

  2. Good choice with the Texas BBQ'D pringles, although to really do the Superbowl the American way is be able to see the commercials! You miss them in England, but in the States they are almost as fun as watching the game!
