Monday, 14 March 2011

The Flower Graveyard

In Waycross I popped into the Library and asked to use the 'Internet'
The librarian looked at me puzzled, so I tried again "Sorry, the innernet"
"Ah you wana use innernet"

I didn't fancy a wild camp this close to the Okefenokee wildlife reserve, which to me read 'Bears n Gators- Beware!' And with the stories the trainspotters had told me...well, I needed a safe haven.
At four I was kicked out of the library but not before asking for a campsite. the Laura S Walker state park office closed in 45mins. I had to pedal hard. I made it 20mins late but the ranger was friendly and gave me a spot.

It was a good nights rest. Sunday AM i rose late, breakfasted and said goodbye to those around me, who were also gouing their separate ways. One group on a canoe trip down gator infested waterways. "Have you done this much before" I asked
"Nope, second time in a canoe" came the reply from the retired gent. Amazing! They had a brief argument over maps, Nancy was told to "Get the hell outta here" and she shrugged at me, saying it must be nice to travel alone. I wasn't so sur eabout it but smiled.

General Coffee state park was reachable, but out of my way. I had already decided that a detour towards Alabama was out of the question. Dan will be disappointed. So I knew a wild camp was what lay ahead. Now to put some ditance between myself and the animals. I reached Hoboken easily and passed straight through towards Blackshear, which appeared peaceful so I stopped for a McDonald's, my first in America. It tasted the same.
Ronald McDonald then... clowns are essentially jesters in makeup, but Stephen King and Hollywood have gone a long way to make them scary. So the plastic statue of Ronald sat on the bench in the kids play area just looked like a malevolent child snatcher. I checked to see if it's eyes followed me about.

Why they have trucks: plenty of roads are dust tracks
Fortunatly, not the ones I use!
The tree lined highways quickly changed to large meadows and ploughed land, and it was boiling. I disturbed a sunbathing snake who looked as puzzled by me as I was by it. It was Black and glistened in the sunlight. I debated stopping to take a pic, but decided discretion was better. I regretted not having a photo for the next 5 miles. I reached the attractively named Alma, and after a brief rest carried straight on, I had more in the tank, but knew that soon I would need to find a place to rest. I stooped for dinner by the highway, and wondered where on Earth i was going to camp. I was starting to worry about this, not wanting to camp by a highway and attract the wrong attention. A woman pulled up, asking if I was okay. She recommended camping by a church. "those folks are always friendly" I thanked here and debated whether to push on or go back 3 miles to the church. I don't like going backwards, it grates with me, but it was sensible in the fading light. I turned in to a little community called New Hope. I laughed to myself as I imagined the Pastor preaching 'the Lord will provide'. I would make a case in point for that sermon.

New Hope
Passing a couple out for a stroll I asked if they knew the Pastor. They didn't but spoke to someone else, and as the Pastor was out, I had waited until sundown before pitching. Just as I finished Brandon came over and introduced himself. He asked if I needed anything and I came back to his place for water. I met his little baby son River, and his wife Hailey. Brandon and Hailey asked if I would like anything to eat, having already eaten I declined but their offer was still greatly appreciated. They offered their lawn as a place to camp (for those in England, this lawn was tens of square metres), if anyone came along and bothered me about pitching where I had. I felt  a pang of guilt at the efforts they had put in.

Dawn- time to move on

These people offered so much, and i had a word with myself upon leaving New Hope. I give myself a hard time when it comes to accepting help. There is a system that works between my conscious and subconscious that tells me all things should equal out. As there would be no way for me to repay their kindness, how can I accept it? I'm not wallowing in self-pity here- i'm trying to change. Next time I will eat by the church, and accept favours when offered. Good people don't count favours. The silly thing is I know I don't, except when they are offered to me.

Maybe next time I will be turned away, or ignored by folk. Or maybe not. The generousity Brandon, Hailey and River had shown me stayed with me the next few days. Things like that make whatever we are trying to do easier.

I had camped by the cemetery, and the Flower Graveyard, where the dead or dying flowers are left. Hollywood tells us that if a hand shoots out the ground we should run from the zombies! In reality, they probably need your help! I don't mind camping by graveyards- they are places of old stories that have hopefully been passed down generations. Not spooky really!

An 'arty' shot of the bike

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