Monday, 21 March 2011

The Antisurfer

My average speed out of Athens was slow. Mainly due to getting a bit lost. Well, the signs were crap and the cycle route almost put me on the Interstate. Unbelieveable.
Gave me plenty of time to muse though...
You know that stereotype of the bronzed athlete with the windswept hair. The ones running into the sea with boards under one arm who later in the afternoon get drunk and sleep with local girls. You know the ones...
I am the antisurfer. Like many things I say this is not criticism but observation. Take it how you will.

I have had the debate of what men think when they first meet a woman, or to be more specific, whether a man has any female friends he wouldn't sleep with. Ask yourself that question. (It's a game- I don't think whatever answer you get is wrong)
Why ask though... well it comes to the point of any tour. Rugby, cycle, surf etc. I have laughed and joked about the effect my accent can and has had, and sure it would be fun to provoke more reactions similar to some from random girls in Athens.

2 reasons I haven't:
  1. I have a personal morality akin to something Tim Minchin said. It features on my couchsurfer profile. 'I have a personal morality that I can bend to suit my life choices. But I will always consider how my actions affect other people as a crucial priority.' That can get in the way!
  2. I was primarily brought up by mum. I want to make it clear that no blame is attached to this. Simply put, dad had a hell of a commute and worked hard for his family. But male role models I lacked. Primary school teachers were, with one exception for part of one year, all female. Perhaps the priest? Kind as he was, I don't think so.
Put like that I'm not surprised that I find it easier, at least at first, to simply converse with girls, or women if you prefer.
Personal revelation? Is this tour about finding himself?
No. When you travel solo the person you come face-to-face with most often is yourself. And as I said, my average speed was down.
Also, having read that back to myself I see flaws. I get drunk, run to the sea, am reaching bronzed stage, have messy hair and surf.

On another note, a kid shot past me on a bike and a little up the road, pulled round and shouted
"Your bike is f**king slow!"
The bike is (basically) potential energy.
What turns that potential into kinetic energy, movement if you will, is me.
He should have shouted
"You are f**king slow!"

I'm now in Hartwell and the wind picked up and rain is threatened, although the clouds have parted for the moment. From here I cycle into South Carolina, and I need to find a map. Hopefully the library can help in a minute. The librarians certainly seemed super useful and friendly!
The back tire feels like it's lost a little pressure so I will pump that up too. Having checked the weather on my route, thunder may occur. Hopefully the day I cycle for Huntersville so I don't stay damp overnight.


  1. Hmmm. we didn't notice any accent....

  2. "are you real?"

    still laughing. expect an email tomorrow!

  3. Ha-ha! You make me chuckle! Having met you just recently and therefore not knowing you all that well or for very long I wonder: Will you eventually woo a girl during your travels? Or will you possibly meet one who will entice you? Meeting so many new people must be intriguing. I will say I find your blogs interesting and entertaining. I am always smiling by the end of your posts! Happy Travels! Cheers!
