Sunday, 20 March 2011

Athens pt 2

Catherine has been a wonderful host, and i've been in Athens nearly 48 hours now. Honestly it's a great city- just the right size to be easy to get about, but with a vibrant culture and all the amenities plus a few extra. It's been a while since I've been in a University town (that's my biggest bugbear with working where I do) and the difference is immediately apparent. Whatever you or I think of students, their impressionability works wonders in a city.
People bring all sorts of weird and wonderful things to uni towns knowing that someone will think it's a rad idea and buy into it! This sounds like a criticism but honestly isn't. We all have our little foibles (see my facebook photo album 'Gate-Lord') and these diversities keep things and people fresh.

Genuinely it will be hard to leave here. To my disappointment, Twilight, a crazy bike race that happens here in Athens, isn't happening whilst I'm here. Falmouth, England, does similar crazy races and events. I would have to put Falmouth and Athens as being of a kind for sure.
And Catherine, for someone I bumped into in a bar, we have managed to get on really well and share a love of Paul Giamatti and cheese. She has a crazy trip (even harder than mine) planned, and will certainly provide as entertaining a read.
# "What's your blog address?"

There y'all go
So you see, facebook isn't all evil. As she said last night during porch beers, we feel like we've know each other for two months, not two days. This traveling lark is fun.
I'm crossing into South CArolina early tomorrow, and don't know what it will hold. My route is a little more mountainous and I'm not sure on the library situation, but I aim to be with Rob in 4 evenings time.
Catherine and Raisins

1 comment:

  1. Wow Phil you're cycling quicker than I can read your blog!! I had better do some catching up. Enjoying reading your news and stories of your trip :-)
